Each crew member is trained and qualified for one particular role but can fill additional roles in a tank.
Radio Operator
There are five unique roles in a tank that need to be filled by the tank's crew to operate the tank. Each vehicle varies in the number of crew members inside it and the roles that they are assigned. Depending on the tank, a crew member may be assigned to perform multiple roles or multiple crew members may be assigned to perform the same role.
The proficiency of each crew member assigned to a specific role affects the vehicle's performance with respect to that role. If several crew members are assigned to the same role, their average training level is used.
- These crewmen are responsible for operating the driving controls of the vehicle. They affect the movement dynamics of a vehicle, with more competent Drivers able to accelerate faster due to less terrain resistance and thus also turn tighter while losing less speed.
- These tankers are responsible for aiming and firing the vehicle's gun. They affect the speed at which a gun will be aimed at its target, with more competent Gunners able to aim at a faster speed, and also aim better. In game this is reflected by the aiming circle starting out smaller, shrinking faster while your Gunners are aiming, and ultimately ending up smaller when fully aimed. Gunners also affect Turret Traverse (rotation) speed.
- These crewmen are responsible for loading the next shell to fire. They affect how fast the next shell is loaded. More competent Loaders are able to load the next shell faster, resulting in a lower reload time.
- These crewmen are responsible for maintaining contact with allies, so that they appear on the player's mini-map. They affect the radio range of the vehicle, with more competent Radio Operators able to maintain contact with allies at greater ranges.
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