Rabu, 19 September 2012


IconEquipment NameCost (credits)Weight (kg)Description
Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
200,000200-10% Loading Time.

Highly recommended for every vehicle with a damage dealing role (i.e. everything except pure scout tanks).
Not available for vehicles with Autoloaders.
Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer is available for:
  • All American and German Light Tanks from tier 5
  • French Light Tanks from tier 4 to tier 5
  • The Soviet T-46 and all Soviet Light Tanks from tier 4
  • All Medium Tanks except the PzKpfw S35 739 (f) or those with Autoloaders
  • American Heavy Tanks from tier 5 to tier 6
  • French Heavy Tanks from tier 4 to tier 5
  • Soviet tier 5 Heavy Tanks
  • American Tank Destroyers from tier 3 to tier 7
  • French Tank Destroyers from tier 4 to tier 6
  • German Tank Destroyers from tier 4 to tier 7
  • Soviet Tank Destroyers from tier 3 to tier 6
Large-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer is available for
  • American and German Heavy Tanks from tier 7
  • French Heavy Tanks from tier 6 to tier 7
  • Soviet Heavy Tanks from tier 6
  • American and German Tank Destroyers from tier 8
  • French and Soviet Tank Destroyers from tier 7
Medium-Caliber Artillery Shell Rammer is available for:
  • American and German Self-Propelled Guns up to tier 6
  • All French Self-Propelled Guns
  • Soviet Self-Propelled Guns up to tier 5
Large-Caliber Artillery Shell Rammer is available for
  • American and German Self-Propelled Guns from tier 7
  • Soviet Self-Propelled Guns from tier 6
Large-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer500,000400
Medium-Caliber Artillery Shell Rammer300,000300
Large-Caliber Artillery Shell Rammer600,000500
Enhanced Gun Laying Drive
500,000100-9% Aiming Time at all times.

Particularly useful on guns with very long aim times. Highly recommended for Self-Propelled Guns. Use in combination with a Vertical Stabilizer, where available, for maximum aim time reduction.
Vertical Stabilizer Mk 1
500,00010020% reduction of the Accuracy Penalties. The actual accuracy rating of the gun does not change. In other words, the aiming circle starts out 20% smaller, but the size when fully aimed remains unaffected.

Vertical Stabilizer Mk 1 is for Light and Medium tanks, Vertical Stabilizer Mk 2 is for Heavy tanks.

An excellent piece of equipment for players that prefer offensive play. Use in combination with an Enhanced Gun Laying Drive for maximum aim time reduction. It's equally useful for defensive play when moving from behind cover ("peek-a-boo").

Available for American Lights at tier 5, Mediums at tier 6, and Heavies at tier 7. Available for all nations starting with tier 8 (the FrenchAMX 13 90 being the exception from v0.7.5).
Vertical Stabilizer Mk 2600,000200
Coated Optics
500,0000+10% View Range.

The bonus is applied at all times except when Binoculars are active, making this equipment better suited for aggressive and scouting players.
Additional Grousers
250,0001000-9.1% Terrain Resistance on soft ground and -4.8% Terrain Resistance on average soil.

Available for the following German tanks: Contour-Germany-PzIII A.pngContour-Germany-PzIII.pngContour-Germany-PzIII IV.pngContour-Germany-PzIV.pngContour-Germany-VK3001H.pngContour-Germany-StugIII.pngContour-Germany-JagdPzIV.pngContour-Germany-Sturmpanzer II.pngContour-Germany-Hummel.png

IconEquipment NameCost (credits)Weight (kg)Description
Improved Ventilation Class 1
50,000100+5 to role and skill training level percentages for all crew members. This improves most of the operating parameters of your tank. Refer to Battle Mechanics for details.

Not utilized on open-topped vehicles.

Improved Ventilation Class 1 is available for
  • All Light Tanks
  • Tank Destroyers from tier 1 to tier 4
  • Tier 1 Self-Propelled Guns
Improved Ventilation Class 2 is available for
  • All Medium Tanks
  • American tier 7 Tank Destroyer T25 AT
  • French and Soviet Tank Destroyers from tier 5 to tier 6
  • German Tank Destroyers from tier 5 to tier 7
Improved Ventilation Class 3 is available for
  • All Heavy Tanks
  • American and German Tank Destroyers from tier 8
  • French and Soviet Tank Destroyers from tier 7
  • French tier 8 Self-Propelled Gun Bat Chatillon 155
  • Soviet Self-Propelled Guns from tier 6
Improved Ventilation Class 2150,000150
Improved Ventilation Class 3600,000200

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